i know i should be working , well i have been working, just not on an album. here are some pictures of what i have been working on.
baby owen's nursery! i am moving right along, i should be able to get the whole room done by the time he arrives. i hope! this is a beanstalk see the beans? these were taken yesterday, i painted even more today, so i am across the window and done with the stalk, i just have to do the rest of the leaves and maybe jack. i'll keep you updated.
i have also been playing with making tags, so fun i will post those too. they have vintage bird images, an early 1900 children's french songbook-sooo cute! and some wonderful images from a 1906 flower book.
gotta run and pick up a shower gift for jen, everyone have a great night, i'll try and get the tags posted later. busy week end coming, -happy easter too!