it's a rainy saturday morning and a perfect day for creating! don't you think? if you are in the sun, get out and enjoy! i'll be cozily creating some new scrapbook kits i am listing in my etsy shop.
I bought a lArGe, ohmygosh, double pad of patterned papers by -my minds eye- "wild asparagus", i never even knew that they made patterned papers, i have only seen their double-sided card-stock, which is beautiful, and "bohemia"! too much paper here for me so i am passing it on with some brads, eyelets, ribbons and fibers that i no longer use in my creations. you will notice that everything is pretty and shiny, as you all know, i use the grungy ones now, lol, the aged copper and pewter, non shiny ribbons and fibers and embellishments. anyway, i hope you will take a peek and maybe come up with a use for all these goodies. it feels good to organize and make more room for my vintage stuff that is everywhere! geesh.
i have also put this little envelope album that i made last fall "on sale" because, the listing is up at the beginning of may and i really would like to see someone get it, it's a sweet little piece... well i could use it for my grandson who will be arriving in may! humm. lol
you know, etsy is growing like crazy, my sis told me about it a few years ago and just this last fall, opened my shop. since the new year, etsy has really grown! they keep making it better, today i noticed that they put a really cool little "autoscroll" in their "time machine 2" so you don't have to click! fun! anyway, if you have some things that you've made, and they are piling up, or you just have the urge to sell some handmade goodies, try etsy! it's fun! if you do open a shop or if you already have one open, let me know- i will put links from my blog here to there!
okay, i better go put some more kits together, i have about a gazillion to finish- yikes! jessss- help!
have a great weekend, and thanks to everyone for your purchases, you are so sweet! and you who have left comments! it's so much fun! yeah! bye for now.-rebecca