so here is an idea that i have been kickin' round for some time, an altered book that you can create yourself. what do you think? i have listed it here :
"bare beginnings" altered book
open with drawer open
spine and front
laying flat open drawer
laying flat drawer opening
marking pen mark across the bottom pages
top of book
so there it is, do you feel creative? altering a book is a great way to express yourself! jess and i even made one about the life of ben franklin for a school project- it was... awesome, is the only word that describes it, lol! let me share it with you for fun...
she had some wonderful ideas here and we just kept adding them. it was turned in on time, after working all night to do the "finishing touches" ohmygosh! it turned out 3" thick and held up for a week at school, in the library, just barely it finally cracked, the spine couldn't take it anymore. i have repaired the spine but still need to cover the inside pages where it broke and add some fabric to the outside spine. get this, her teacher said it was really great but she thinks that an instruction paper on how to open everything would have been very helpful! geesh! that is the fun and interest of these books the little pockets, drawers boors and windows. oh well, i guess there were too many other projects to read through in that class. we did this 5 or 6 years ago, where does time fly? thanks everyone, back to work for me! -rebecca